

How and why we partner with Unbiased

We are proud to have partnered with Unbiased for the last three years and are part of their 27,000 UK-wide network of advisers, covering financial advisers, mortgage advisers and accountants/bookkeepers, helping potential clients find the right adviser for them.

Unbiased always looks to improve the matching process and evolves the information requested from clients to get the best client/adviser match. Too little information and there’s too much choice, whereas asking for too much information can sometimes put people off completing the online form altogether - it’s a fine balance!

What’s the best way to find a local financial adviser?

We understand that clients often search for a trusted local adviser. Unsurprisingly, whilst this has been somewhat turned on its head due to Covid-19 when advisers adapted by offering remote appointments, we know it’s still an important factor during the search process. We work with Unbiased to map out the geographical areas that our financial advisers cover and where their existing clients are located too. We even consider major road networks when it comes to travelling time and distance.  Sometimes TPO advisers may cover some of the same areas, simply because there’s a large concentration of clients. 

How Unbiased works

There are four simple steps to get a list of advisers in your local area:

  1. Select the area of advice e.g. Pensions & retirement, Financial Planning, Investments, Insurance & Protection, Tax & Trust planning, Savings, Expatriate finances, Business, Long Term Care, Sharia finance, Stockbroking services, Mortgages
  2. Choose your income/asset value
  3. Enter your postcode or city
  4. Choose how you would prefer to be advised: remotely, face to face or either

Unbiased then uses this information to search its database of financial advisers to display the companies and advisers that meet the criteria.

If you’re still unsure which adviser to choose from the list, you can opt to answer a few further questions to find a better match.  We would also recommend checking an independent review site such as VouchedFor, to see what other clients have to say.

Once we have accepted an enquiry from the Unbiased website, the team at TPO works hard to contact potential clients as quickly as possible via phone and email to set up an initial free consultation meeting with a qualified adviser, at a convenient time to them.

Unbiased features & benefits

The Unbiased website is simple and free to use. Advisers and advice firms pay a subscription to be listed as well as paying to accept an enquiry that matches their criteria or experience. That way, potential clients can speak to a few different companies to work out which is the best one for them, before agreeing to pay anything. 

There are number of tips and free guides as well as a calculator to show indicative costs for advice.

Information such as: ‘why use an adviser’, ‘finding the right adviser for you’, ‘financial planning for your family’ and ‘planning the retirement you want’, provide useful information whilst deciding which adviser best suits your needs.

Unbiased has been featured across major media partners, such as Money Saving Expert, The Times & The Sunday Times, BBC, The Guardian etc.

Unbiased Trusted Professional awards

TPO Partner, Dean McSloy was short-listed for two awards in 2021, as nominated by his clients: the ‘Covid-19 Response’ and ‘Exceptional Innovation Award’ categories.

We’re delighted to say, Dean won the ‘Covid-19 Response’ award and personally thanked the whole team at TPO for their collective input.

Unbiased has helped over 10 million people to find unbiased advice and has over 7,000 Trustpilot reviews.